Thursday 30 June 2016


The last walk, last day, last night. Rotherwick, river Lodden and Sherfield on Lodden. The hotel gave out walking route suggestions on  laminated cards. Let's go! 

I always like to end a UK trip with the countryside, a final communication with what I love doing where I love doing it. The peace that comes from walking clears my head for the travel day to come.The activity makes sitting for hours bearable. On the plane I can close my eyes and see the paths, fields and houses. And if I needed further memories, the nettle itching is good for that. 

"Old House" 
 At first I thought Rotherwick was a disappointment. Later, after walking around  a few times, I discovered it has a quiet secret side, one for walkers. An unobtrusive sign with the area footpaths shows walking is a popular and encouraged pastime. 
Walking directions sound like this: In front of the farmhouse turn left then right between barns and a red brick cottage along a green lane and beside a golf course, immediately right over a stile, cross the ditch by a humpbacked concrete bridge then in 100m ahead over a stile, along a field edge... 

Sometimes I have to read the directions a few times, especially when the path isn't marked or obvious and I've been cocky and don't have a map.
It's a kind of scavenger hunt. Find the right landmark, make the right turn, win the prize. 

Leaving the hotel  and setting out is exciting. What will the journey be like? Hours ahead of me to walk! 
I started on a paved lane for a short while then past the very pretty, and yes old, Old House.  The path was easy to follow. This summer there is a lot of cow parsley, or "gipsy lace", sort of like our Queen Annes Lace. Why grow ornamental flowers when you have such beautiful wildflowers and dried grasses?  Including the hedge roses, just blooming now.

Nettle Jungle

It's been a wet and chilly summer so far. I've worn a sweater every day, sometimes long pants. The wind can be raw. It's hard to believe June is almost over.

The walk followed close to the River Lodden re-crossing over foot bridges.

Lance Levy Farm is typical of farmhouses in this area. It's made of brick, square, with big wooden barns. One older outbuilding is still on staddle stones, raising the building to keep mice and rats out of the grain. The barns have been converted to contemporary homes. 

Building Raised on Staddle Stones
Lance Levy Farm

Backyard snooping is a perk to walking. Seeing the hidden spots at a slow speed gives you a view you can't get any other way. 

Crazy Cat/Plant Lady

Longbridge Mill is a restaurant but still grinds flour with its water wheel once a month. It's said to be haunted. The ghost walks down the stairs, rattles chains, then goes out and slams the door. 

Longbridge Mill

On the River Lodden

Some landowners are good about clearing the right of way and others make it difficult. I got into a lot of nettle today. 

On the Right Path

Dog Roses Are Blooming in the Hedgerows

Having gotten off track in the water meadows, a wet field of 4ft high grasses, I was relieved to have found the way. Not quite where the directions said but what matters is getting there.  On my way again!

A+ For Footpath Management!

Mill Farm is sweet, the water runs through and under the floor of the house.

Mill Farm

Almost Back Now

Back to Tylney Hall

Coming back now into Rotherwick and the familiar paths around the village. I found my feet slowing to take in every last minute. Breathe it in, feel the ground. I took a detour to do a village spin then the long way around the hotel grounds and golf course. After 8.5 miles my legs didn't want to stop. I was finally familiar with the fields and paths, the painted pony, the churchyard. Another place that touched my life in England as these experiences do. In their ways, they're all home to me.

I couldn't have gone nearly 160 recorded miles without the right companions, and here they are. Water, mud, lots of mud, nettles, tea shops, pavement, shopping, 5-star hotel carpets, sheep poo, cow pats, Roman stones, medieval castles: we've done a lot together. 

Rest well old friends! 

Half a mile past Mill Farm, just past the house called Winnells, right off the road (FP) and left along the field edge with wood on the left, In 400m left through hedge (WMA); continue along wood edge for 100m till it turns away left. Ahead here; right to Rotherwick. 

And straight on till morning!